Monday, March 10, 2008

That little voice.

I read this from Ma'am Rodrigo's blog and I just had to post it here. She says she got it from an email sent to her by Karen Cardenas. It expresses "her take on Nietzche's "That which does not destroy me makes me stronger"
There is a sense of triumph when one can enjoy what is not enjoyable. When one goes through pain, there should be that little voice, that part of you that can stand apart from what is happenning and look and say this will pass, this is not a permanent situation, what will I get from it? How is this going to make me a wiser, better person? [The pain will pass] and you will have another war wound, and you will one day look at it and smile and say, gee I lived through that one, too... I will learn from it, and I know at the end of it all I will be a better person for it, and be grateful for the experience.

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